• 威尼斯144777cm

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    Our products all have health benefits

    Health Effects: This product is made ​​of carbon fiber heating element, no burning sensation, can produce far infrared rays, a health care function. Far infrared heat generated by the body far infrared radiation 5μm-15μm in (this is a far-infrared wavelengths humans and all living things are necessary) and easier on people's skin and tissue resonance, can penetrate into the skin and subcutaneous deep tissue, resulting in thermal effects, improve blood circulation, dilate capillaries, excluding microcirculation; long-term use, can play blood, meridians, promote metabolism, so that delicate skin, dry surface to prevent moisture, inhibit bacteria, anti-aging;

    CopyRight :ShenZhen Santang Technology Co. Ltd. Address:8FYinganBuilding,NO.196QinfenRoad,Shangtang,MinzhiStreet,LonghuaTown,Shenzhen City ,
    Guangdong Province  Tel:+086-755-23271889 33034764 Fax:+086-755-27766227 MOB:18826569696
    Portable electric warm gloves/Portable electric warm shoes/insole/Portable electric warm clothes/Portable electric therapy equipment maintenance/USB electric heat/preservation products series/first choice Shenzhen Santang Technology
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