• 威尼斯144777cm

    TEL :0755-23271889 / 33034764  
    Cold weather will secure the motorcycle electric gloves, old burn Insurance

    Motorcycle battery is characterized by short-term high-current discharge, different from other battery performance, so prolonged use is likely to cause excessive battery discharge, the plates of lead acid curing, can no longer be charged restored, if necessary then, try connected to the engine's charging system, electricity is also another cause excessive battery discharge increase, to make ends meet, when the battery is deeply discharged and is not restored, it will cause over-discharge, affect life!

    CopyRight:ShenZhen Santang Technology Co. Ltd. Address:8FYinganBuilding,NO.196QinfenRoad,Shangtang,MinzhiStreet,LonghuaTown,Shenzhen City,
    Guangdong Province  Tel:+086-755-23271889 33034764 Fax:+086-755-27766227 MOB :18826569696
    Portable electric warm gloves/Portable electric warm shoes/insole/Portable electric warm clothes/Portable electric therapy equipment maintenance/USB electric heat/preservation products series/first choice Shenzhen Santang Technology
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